About FITS

*Foundation for International Transfer of Skills and Knowledge in Construction(abbreviated name: FITS)

Foundation for International Transfer of Skills and Knowledge in Construction

Foundation for International Transfer of Skills and Knowledge in Construction (abbreviated name: FITS) was established as an organization to provide necessary support for the proper implementation of workers acceptance, cultivation and so on, of each country trying to practice and acquire techniques, skills and knowledge in the construction and other field.

FITS has been commissioned by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism since March 2015 as the executing agency for the Foreign Construction Worker Acceptance Program, and in order to ensure proper and smooth implementation of designated construction activities, “FITS Consultation Hotline” has been set up to receive consultation from foreign construction workers in their native languages, in addition to conducting round visits to designated supervising organizations and accepting companies.

On the creation of the residence status “Specified Skilled Worker” this time, FITS has been recognized by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for having the capacity to ensure the proper working environment of the foreign nationals with residence status of Specified Skilled Worker 1 and has been designated as the “Proper Labor Supervision Agency” based on a Notification regarding Specified Skilled Worker in the Construction Field.

To make use of our know-how, FITS will continue to provide support for skilled foreign nationals on their working and living conditions so they can focus on their work without having anxiety.

  • Date of Establishment
    • January 15, 2015

  • Location
    • 〒101-0044 Tokyo-to, Chiyoda-ku, Kajicho 1-9-9 Ishikawa LK Bldg. 6F

    • TEL: 03-6206-8877   FAX: 03-6206-8889

  • Our tasks
    • Give guidance and advice on the proper promotion of the foreign skilled workers acceptance program

    • Give information and provide support on proper sending and acceptance of foreign skilled workers
    • Provide support for foreign skilled workers on acquiring techniques, skills and knowledge
    • Provide consultation and give advice to foreign skilled workers in native languages regarding employment, safety and health, wellness, etc.
    • Hold workshops and seminars on planning, management and so on regarding acceptance and cultivation of foreign skilled workers
    • Publication and enlightenment regarding acceptance and cultivation of foreign skilled workers
    • Conduct training, skill assessment, etc. to foreign skilled workers overseas

  • Founders
    • Koyo Holdings Co., Ltd., Ohbayashi Corporation, Kajima Corporation, Shimizu Corporation, Taisei Corporation, Takenaka Corporation, East Japan Construction Surety Co., Ltd., West Japan Construction Surety Co., Ltd., Hokkaido Construction Surety Co., Ltd.


Foundation for International Transfer of Skills and Knowledge in Construction (FITS)

〒101-0044 Tokyo-to, Chiyoda-ku, Kajicho 1-9-9 Ishikawa LK Bldg. 6F
TEL: 03-6206-8877   FAX: 03-6206-8889