
Recognition of Excellent Foreign Construction Worker 2021

Recognition of Excellent Foreign Construction Worker 2021

Name Status of Residence Nationality Job Category Accepting Construction Company
(Office Location)
Mr. WENG FEI Specified Skilled Worker China Concrete Pumping Concrete pump Co., Ltd.
Mr. SORN SINAT Specified Skilled Worker Cambodia Machine Operation OKA KOUSAN
Mr. SOE KHANT MAW Specified Skilled Worker Myanmar Surface Finishing KANEFUJI Co., Ltd.
Mr. ZHANG LEI Specified Skilled Worker China Plastering HIKOSAKA Co., Ltd
Mr. PHAM DUY HUNG Specified Skilled Worker Vietnam Steel Reinforcement HORIE TEKKIN KOGYO

(In Japanese syllabary order of the awardee name)

open for the Recognition of Excellent Foreign Construction Worker 2021

 In addition to the "Foreign Construction Worker Acceptance Program" introduced in 2015, the acceptance of foreign resources by the new status of residence “Specified Skilled Worker” started April 2019.  As of the end of September 2021, 2,714 foreign construction workers and 3,745 Specified Skilled Workers are working with Japanese skilled workers and improving their skills in the construction field all over Japan.

 The “Recognition of Excellent Foreign Construction Worker (Real Estate and Construction Economy Bureau Director-General’s Award) will be held again by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to support foreign workers in their day-to-day learning and hard work for further enhancement of their skills by recognizing remarkable foreign workers taking into consideration on the effort and performance of the accepting company regarding the cultivation of foreign workers such as the acquisition of construction skills and Japanese language skills under the Foreign Construction Acceptance Program and the new status of residence “Specified Skilled Worker”.

Click here for entry information